‘Reflection’ to Solve Your Life-Work Balance Issue

I remained unhappy and stressed until I changed this.

No time for yourself. Not enjoying life-work. Living to work and provide.

Become happier, and healthier, reduce stress, and create time for yourself while aligning your life to what you truly want. 

Reframing the life-work juggle by reflecting on your values and past successes can help you to realise that you already have all of the resources that you need to create the life-work situation you want to have. 

Make time to go through the reflective process. Personal reflective work is always enhanced by going through it with another person; a partner, friend, or a trusted acquaintance to give you an objective perspective (rhymes)! 

The most powerful and empowering way to go about this would be to utilise the skills of a coach, who can support you to great outcomes while helping you to stretch your thinking, without which you would not reach the vast possibilities lying already within you. This process could be completed swiftly, providing an empowered and focused perspective, with clear goals and a timeframe. 

I spent years running myself around in circles, experiencing stress, anxiety, and burnout with no balance in sight. I felt hopeless until I finally stopped, reflected on the bigger picture, realised what was truly important to me and that changed everything. 

I’d been down in the detail, playing with and jumping from one time management tool or technique to another - none of it stuck, I couldn’t understand why and decided that the issue must be me. This just creates or reinforces limiting, negative beliefs further exacerbating the problem and inducing more stress and anxiety. 

It wasn’t until I stepped back and looked at the bigger picture, and considered my strengths, qualities and took the time to figure out what my ultimate values are within the context of what I was doing before I could make meaningful changes, from a place of clarity and alignment with what I truly wanted. 

I worked with a coach to support me in exploring my life-work situation from a place of honesty and in a safe space where I felt comfortable to share whatever I needed to. They helped me to realise that I had way more strengths and qualities than I had given myself credit for, helped me to establish my most important values, transform limiting beliefs into supportive ones, and revisit the life-work process from a new perspective…and this is what made the difference.

Now, when I utilise time management systems, I have much more of a connection with why I am using them and therefore get much more out of them. I learned that without a clear and genuine connection between my values and my goals, I would continue to feel the way I did and would lack the conviction I needed to reach them. Instead of beating myself up, I understood why I had behaved the way I had and could begin to support myself to succeed. 

I’m still a work in progress, as we all are but I’ve started my own business now, which I wouldn’t have embarked on a few years ago, and that says it all really. 


Don’t Believe You Can Reach Your Goals? Here's the Secret to Shattering Limiting Beliefs